
about us

We are a collaborative community of creative and expressive souls, that together manifest a yearly festival in the infamous Golden Bay, New Zealand.

We're invigorated to try this new approach of involving all of you, our amazing community, to participate in important decisions that'll collectively help shape our ’24 festival experience and culture.

Together, we're confident in our collective consciousness to create a unique experience for a like-minded tribe of individuals who share the same love, respect and passion for one another, our beautiful planet and psychedelic music.

Our Culture

We believe in an underlying sense of community.

We are all a tribe of humans gathering together for deep connections to our earth through art, adventure, music, dance and spiritual experiences. We all work together to create a beautiful shared existence.

We value our local talent and aim to creating a launchpad for new and existing artists to showcase their creativity to New Zealanders on an annual bases,

creating a more sustainable and resilient art focus for the future.

We are conscious of our footprints and strive for a sustainable future through our actions.


Become a community member and add your flavor to Yatra festival


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