Welcome fellow cosmic explorers
Yatra (Sanskrit): A pilgrimage / journey / trip to a sacred place.
Yatra Festival is a co creative, community driven artistic (r)evolution. A free expression of electronic music, Innovative visuals arts and awe inspiring performances with a focus on transformation, knowledge sharing and learning sustainability for a better day after.

We are an alcohol free, leave no trace, earth friendly, mature transformational festival with a focus on psychedelic music to keep the energy raised and the hearts open.

This is the beginning of a new era, and we invite you to join us in pioneering the culture of the future!

Yatra Experience

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About us

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A Yatra Festival attendee is someone who says 'yes !' to thoughts and dreams of; connection, love, music, spirituality, consciousness, nature, light, inclusion, sustainability, unity, better future, health, arts and culture. Together, we're confident in our collective consciousness to create a unique experience for a like-minded tribe of individuals who share the same love, respect and passion for one another, our beautiful planet and psychedelic music.

Our Vision

To facilitate the co-creation of an art oriented culture supporting artistic expression and collaboration.

A conscious community of individuals who stand for the change they wish to see. Together creating unforgettable joyful experiences that inspire a sense of culture, education, connection, community and respect in support of nature and harmonious living.

 Our Mission

To create a transformational culture through workshops, ceremonies and dance.

To build and grow awareness of electronic music, Art and the ethical festival culture by Providing forums for our community to collectively make decisions and evolve the Yatra culture. Yatra Festival is for the community in order to discover local artists and provide them a platform to showcase their unique expression to a wide variety of audiences each summer.

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